Friday, 24 August 2012

Pastor Adeboye’s advice to Single Ladies

The General Overseer of the Redeemed christian church of God has developed an attitude of sending out well thought thorough messages to his people, and here is one powerful one.

Those of you who go to your pastor to pray for you and tell you who to marry, if care is not taken, you will become a victim of lies. You are simply lazy. No pastor or prophet should tell you who to marry. They are to pray along with you, counsel and guide you using the Word of God. If you fail to pay the price to hear from God on that matter, you may be deceived. God can use your pastor or a genuine prophet of God to confirm what He had already told you.

Many homes have been established on falsehood and that is why things are falling apart and the center can no longer hold. Some pastors are seriously into match-making. They have taken over from the Holy Spirit. Match-making remains God's prerogative and He has not delegated it to any pastor.

IMOH, Patrick E.
+234 803 616 2613
+234 802 846 3657

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