Friday, 24 August 2012

University of Lagos: Appointment of Vice-Chancellor


1. Pursuant to the provisions of the Universities(MiscellaneousProvisions) Act No.11 of 1993 asamendedby Decree No.25, 1996 and further amended in 2003 and2012 respectively and other agreements as contained inthe 2009 FGN-Staff Union Agreement, the GoverningCouncil of the University of Lagos hereby notifies the Academic Community and general public both with in andoutside Nigeria that the Council has commenced theprocess of the appointment of a Vice-Chancellor
.Applications are hereby invited from interested andsuitably qualified candidates for the position.

The University was established in 1962 by an Act of Parliament of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as contained in Section U9 of the Laws of the Federation (LFN) 2004 to encourage the advancement of learning. Located in the urban and commercial city of Lagos, the University caters for both full time and part-time students. The University has an overall population of 44,279 students (regular and part-time) including the Distance Learning Institute and total staff strength of 4,561. It is located on three Campuses.

For the vacant post, the University seeks candidates with vision, proven academic distinction, managerial ability, integrity and transparency in private and public life. The right candidate should also have ability to develop linkages with the external communities to meet the emerging needs of the University, command respect and engender cooperation and loyalty of staff and students of the University and its alumni.

Be competent at all times to advise the Council on any matter affecting the administration, finance and policy of the University;
Be generally responsible to the Council in maintaining the efficiency and good order of the University and for ensuring the proper enforcement of its statutes, ordinances and regulations;
Be responsible for discipline in the University;
Regulate the admission of students subject to guidelines and procedures approved by Senate and to any law or policy for the time being applicable to the University; 

At management level, provide leadership in the relentless pursuit of excellence in all aspects of University life; and
Undertake any other duties that will promote the growth and development of the University in a conducive atmosphere.

An eligible candidate for the post of Vice-Chancellor, University of Lagos must be:
a Professor of not less than 10 years in one of the disciplines offered by the University of Lagos and not be more than 65 years old on 12th November, 2012.
of demonstrated astute managerial ability to maintain the peace and academic stability for which the University is reputed;
a scholar of outstanding national and international repute, with proficiency in Information Communication Technology (ICT) and considerable experience at top levels of University Administration;
a Professor with a track record of teaching, research and community service;
a person of entrepreneurial and innovative predisposition, with a proven track record appropriate to the vision and mission of a first class University;
a person endowed with strong character and ability to give courageous and effective leadership;
a person capable of inspiring the advancement of learning and reaching out to all persons without discrimination in any form;
of sound health, pleasant disposition, unassailable integrity and strong moral character for inspiring and maintaining moral discipline among staff and students; and
of proven ability to initiate contacts and funding from national and international sources.

The successful candidate shall hold office as Vice-Chancellor for a single term of five (5) years only from November 12, 2012 (date of resumption) on such terms and conditions as may be specified in the letter of appointment.
The remuneration and other conditions of service are as applicable to the post of Vice-Chancellor in Federal Universities and as may be determined from time to time by the Government/Governing Council as appropriate.

Candidates should apply by submitting forty (40) copies of their detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV)/Resume providing information as detailed hereunder.
Full Name;
Place and Date of Birth;
Address; (a) Postal (b) E-mail (c) Mobile Telephone Number(s)
Marital Status, number and ages of Children;
Academic qualifications (degrees with classes – copies of certificates to be enclosed);
Teaching, Research, Administrative and Managerial experience;
Academic distinctions;
Membership of academic and professional bodies;
Scholarly publications (well referenced);
Vision for the University in the next five (5) years (not more than 1,000 words or a minimum of 600 words); and
Names and addresses of three (3) Referees who should be able to attest to candidate's academic and managerial abilities as well as his/her moral character and uprightness.
The References should be submitted separately to the Registrar and Secretary to Council with the post being applied for indicated on the envelope.
In the case of candidates nominated by the Search Team, the Curriculum Vitae complying with the same details as set out above must be accompanied by a letter of consent duly signed by the candidate.
All candidates must formally apply for the post irrespective of the process by which their interest was obtained.
Allapplications are to be submitted under confidentialcover with the envelop marked "POST of Vice-Chancellor, UNILAG" addressed to:
The Registrar and Secretary to Council,
University of Lagos,
Lagos, Nigeria.
To reach him not later than Eight (8) weeks from the date of this publication.
The submission of the hard copy should be accompaniedby full electronic submission of the application andaccompanying materials to be mailed as attachment inPDF or MS Word format to, thesubject line should read, "Application for the Post ofVice-Chancellor". Referees should be similarlyencouraged to submit signed electronic copies of theirreferences in PDF format to the same address.

Short-listed candidates will be required to make themselves available for interaction with the Joint Council and Senate Selection Board.

IMOH, Patrick E.
+234 803 616 2613
+234 802 846 3657

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